ServicesShared Hosting, Cloud Computing, Managed VPS Hosting, UnManaged VPS Hosting, Dedicated Hosting, SiteLock, Spam Expert, SSL Certificate, Weebly, Domain Names
Server LocationsUnited States, Canada, Europe, Asia
Payment MethodsMasterCard, Visa, American Express, Maestro, Paypal
Reliability9 / 10
Pricing7 / 10
User Friendly8 / 10
Features8 / 10
Support8 / 10

Hostiso is a privately held web hosting provider based in the Germany. With customers from all around the world, they continue to be one of the most recognized hosts in the world with multiple data centers that include in the United States, Canada, Europe, and Asia.

Hostiso offers powerful website hosting services that includes Shared Hosting, Cloud Computing, Fully Managed VPS Hosting, UnManaged VPS Hosting, Dedicated Server. They have a reliable and secure website hosting platform.

Shared Web Hosting

The Shared Web Hosting is a type of a fully managed cloud infrastructure that includes premium hardware, premium networking, USA experts handling support and server management. It offers many great tools that can help you make a professional website.

Premium features included with every package such as MariaDB 10.3, PHP 7+, redis, FFMPEG, Cpanel, App Installer and Website Builder, Solid State Drives, Backups, DDOS protection, Firewall, 24/7 Premium Support, Free SSL certificate, domain names, and CDN.

Shared Web Hosting
Plan NameStorageBandwidthWebsitesOther
Basic SSD100 GBUnmeteredUnlimitedcPanel, Free SSL, Website Builder
Business SSD500 GB
Pro SSDUnmetered

Managed WordPress Hosting

The Managed WordPress Hosting is a fine tune server configuration to provide best performance, security for your WordPress site. It optimize all from PHP, Apache, MariaDB to special caching like redis, opcache, CDN. With latest version of all software to provide only best WordPress solution.

Managed WordPress Hosting
Plan NameStorage, CPU Cores, RAMBandwidthOther
sharedshared resourcesUnmeteredmanaged & fully optimized
VPScloud resources
Dedicateddedicated resources

Fully Managed VPS Hosting

The Fully Managed VPS Hosting is an independent Virtual Private Server, virtual partition on a physical server. It is private, secure, and flexible. You can install applications or scripts, and arrange your web files the way you want.

Hostiso Managed VPS Hosting customers will receive full management of their VPS that include cPanel/WHM. It means that they will handle just about anything to do with your server such as nuts, bolts, wires, drives, connectivity, racking, storage, security, and so on.

Fully Managed VPS Hosting
PlanStorageBandwidthCPU CoreRAM
1100 GB SSDUnmetered2 CPU Cores3 GB
2250 GB SSD3 CPU Cores6 GB
3500 GB SSD4 CPU Cores8 GB
4750 GB SSD6 CPU Cores10 GB
51000 GB SSD9 CPU Cores16 GB
62000 GB SSD12 CPU Cores32 GB

Cloud Compute

The Cloud Compute is a Cloud Computing technology, it is NVMe SSD Cloud Instances. It is an enterprise grade stability and performance with Full root access and a dedicated IP address included with all VMs.

Cloud Compute
PlanStorageCPU CoreRAMBandwidth
120 GB SSD1 CPU Core2 GB20 TB
240 GB SSD2 CPU Cores4 GB
380 GB SSD8 GB
4160 GB SSD4 CPU Cores16 GB4 TB
5240 GB SSD8 CPU Cores32 GB5 TB

Dedicated Servers

The Dedicated Hosting is a type of Fully Managed with USA-based server admin team. They make sure things are configured, coordinated, installed, maintained and deployed for your success. It has consistently out performed the competitors when it comes to reliability. The average better than 99.99% uptime across every server.

cPanel and WHM are included as a standard part of installs. DDoS protection is also included standard, and free. In addition, they include firewall, rDNS setup and pre-configure common services and sensitive ports to be secured.

Dedicated Servers
1Custom SSD / HDDUnmetered2 CPU / 4 Threads8 GB
24 CPU / 4 Threads16 GB
316 GB
46 CPU / 12 Threads32 GB
564 GB
* And More…
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