ServicesStandard Shared Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Windows VPS, WordPress Hosting, VPS Hosting, Dedicated Server, Domain names, Website Builder
Server LocationsUnited States
Payment MethodsCredit cards (Visa, Master Card, American Express, and Discover), Debit Cards with Visa or Master Card logo, Paypal, Checks or Money Orders, Wire Transfers (Dedicated Servers, Colocation and Advanced Hosting Solutions)
Reliability8 / 10
Pricing9 / 10
User Friendly8 / 10
Features8 / 10
Support8 / 10

InterServer is one of the best-known hosts that has been providing Web Hosting services for the past 19 years. The company has evolved its product offering to include Standard Shared, Cloud VPS, VPS, Windows VPS, Dedicated, Reseller Hosting, Domain names, Website Builder, and more.

Powered by a mesh of 10Gbps Ethernet connections and connected to multiple Tier 1 IP backbone providers, InterServer uses only the best routing and switching equipment from Cisco, Extreme Networks and Riverstone for maximum throughput.

Standard Web Hosting

The Standard Web Hosting is the act of hosting a website in a standard shared environment. By providing the necessary support and technologies, a website’s file system, platform, and resources are all stored by the web host.

InterServer offers unlimited storage to their customers on shared web hosting environment without compromising speed and performance. The benefits to unlimited storage are somewhat self explanatory, the hosting provider manages the load balancing of each server’s resources. This allows each customer to utilize ample resources without compromising speed and performance.

Standard Web Hosting
Plan NameStorageBandwidthControl PanelOther
StandardUnlimited SSDUnlimitedcPanelLiteSpeed, SSL
Boost Web Hosting
Plan NameIOPSProcessCPUMemory
Standard10241001 Core2 GB
BOOST 220482002 Cores4 GB
BOOST 440964004 Cores8 GB

VPS Hosting

The VPS Hosting is A Cloud Virtual Private Server Hosting. It is flexible hosting platform to deploy your online projects. VPS is the ultimate solution for a cost effective and balanced solution to deploying your applications on the internet.

You can easily deploy VPS instances inside the control panel. Choose from any of the most popular operating system flavors such as Centos, Ubuntu, and Debian. Windows VPS is also available on the Hyper-V or KVM platform. cPanel is available as an add-on for an additional fee.

VPS Hosting
130 GB SSD1 TB1 CPU Core2 GB
260 GB SSD2 TB2 CPU Cores4 GB
390 GB SSD3 TB3 CPU Cores6 GB
3120 GB SSD4 TB4 CPU Cores8 GB
And More…

WordPress VPS

The WordPress VPS is dedicated to WordPress optimization. As opposed to a standard VPS, the resources allocated for the WordPress VPS maximize website functionality and efficiency. You can enjoy another level of WordPress experience.

Blogging and website content management system accelerated by the world’s fastest browser nginx. InterServer’s accelerator wordpresses runs on a VPS and is pre-installed with the latest wordpress and preconfigured with FastCGI, nginx caching and Xcache php caching software.

WordPress VPS
130 GB SSD2 TB1 CPU Core2 GB
260 GB SSD4 TB2 CPU Cores4 GB
390 GB SSD6 TB3 CPU Cores6 GB
3120 GB SSD8 TB4 CPU Cores8 GB
And More…

Dedicated Servers

The Dedicated Servers is strategically located in their owned and operated datacenters in United States. They provide a wide range hardware options including SSD, hardware RAID, and more RAM. With these features in mind, dedicated servers truly offer the most robust options for maximizing performance and flexibility.

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