ServicesShared Hosting, WordPress Hosting, VPS Hosting, Dedicated Servers, Reseller Hosting, Domain Names, DigitalOcean Cloud, AWS Cloud, SSL Certificate
Server LocationsUnited States, Europe, Asia
Payment MethodsMasterCard, Visa, American Express, Maestro, Paypal, RuPay, Bank Transfer, Cheque
Reliability8 / 10
Pricing8 / 10
User Friendly8 / 10
Features8 / 10
Support8 / 10

MilesWeb is one of the fastest growing provider in the web hosting industry. It is a comprehensive and dynamic web hosting company that was established in the year 2012. Founded by Deepak Kori, Chetan Mahale and Chinmay Dingore. They have extensive experience, knowledge and ready to set a dynamic hosting technology revolution.

MilesWeb delivers quality services at affordable prices. Its offers various dinamic hosting plans that include Shared web hosting, WordPress hosting, Unmanaged and Managed VPS Hosting, Dedicated Servers, Reseller Hosting, Domain Names, etc.

Shared Web Hosting

The Shared Web Hosting is A Linux based web hosting plan and incorporated with all the best hosting features. It is a type of hosting that uses the operating system known as Linux on the server. Linux allows you to use the Python, CGI, and Pearl which are very popular choices of webmasters.

The Shared Web Hosting is an exclusive and scalable Shared Hosting. It uses a pure SSD storage that make your website faster than the traditional spinning drivers. You can create and maintain database, upload and download files, edit, create and delete file using cPanel control panel.

Shared Web Hosting
Plan NameStorageBandwidthWebsitesCPU
Tyro1 GB SSDUnlimited1 Website1.5 CPU
SwiftUnlimited1 Website3 CPU Cores
TurboUnlimited4 CPU Cores

Managed WordPress Hosting

The Managed WordPress Hosting is a type of a fully managed and optimized for WordPress Hosting. A team of experts handles the technical stuff, WordPress updates, server optimization, tweaking PHP versions and monitoring.

You are in complete control of your website. It is hosted on your own server. The WordPress installation process is extremely simple, and MilesWeb provides pre-installed WordPress where you can directly log into the admin dashboard and start working on your website.

Managed WordPress Hosting
Plan NameStorageBandwidthWebsitesTraffic
WP120 GB SSD100 GB1 Website15K Visits /month
WP240 GB SSD200 GB1 Website30K Visits /month
WP380 GB SSD400 GB5 Websites225K Visits /month
WP4120 GB SSD600 GB5 Websites300K Visits /month

VPS Hosting

Unmanaged Cloud VPS Hosting

The Unmanaged Cloud VPS Hosting is a self-managed Linux VPS hosting plan powered by KVM hypervisor. The cloud infrastructure with advanced technical features such as SSD storage, high performing Intel CPUs, everything at inexpensive rates. You can get dedicated server resources with every VPS & an add on cPanel.

MilesWeb’s robust VPS offers a wide range of linux operating systems that has better performance and reliability. As you get full access of your self-managed VPS server, you can install any software that you want, access storage space, bandwidth, server usage and memory.

Unmanaged Cloud VPS Hosting
Plan NameStorageBandwidthvCPURAM
SMV150 GB SSD500 GB2 vCPU Cores2 GB
SMV2100 GB SSD500 GB2 vCPU Cores4 GB
SMV3150 GB SSD1 TB4 vCPU Cores8 GB
SMV4200 GB SSD1 TB6 vCPU Cores12 GB
SMV5250 GB SSD2 TB8 vCPU Cores16 GB
SMV6300 GB SSD2 TB12 vCPU Cores24 GB

Managed Cloud VPS Hosting

The Managed Cloud VPS Hosting is powered by KVM hypervisor and available in multiple sizes with various technical components, all based on cloud infrastructure with built-in SSD storage and high performance Intel CPUs. You can get dedicated server resources with every VPS & an add on cPanel.

MilesWeb’s team of experts has experience in migrating thousands of websites effortlessly without any downtime. They always ensure that your website works flawlessly on their cloud VPS server.

Managed Cloud VPS Hosting
Plan NameStorageBandwidthvCPURAM
V150 GB SSD500 GB2 vCPU Cores2 GB
V2100 GB SSD500 GB2 vCPU Cores4 GB
V3150 GB SSD1 TB4 vCPU Cores8 GB
V4200 GB SSD1 TB6 vCPU Cores12 GB
V5250 GB SSD2 TB8 vCPU Cores16 GB
V6300 GB SSD2 TB12 vCPU Cores24 GB

Dedicated Servers

The Dedicated Server is High-performing bare metal dedicated servers for single-tenant. Ideal for websites and applications that demands non-virtualized environments. A dedicated server will give your site the power to run quickly, reliably, and without interruption even when your website gets high traffic.

Dedicated server is the obvious choice when it comes to hosting a high traffic website, eCommerce store or mission-critical data. Getting the right dedicated server for hosting such type of websites is in itself a big challenge.

Dedicated Servers
PlanStorageBandwidthDedicated IPRAM
22x1TB SAS2 TB32 GB
32x1TB SAS
42x1TB SAS
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