ServicesSSD VPS Hosting, Linux VPS Hosting, Windows VPS Hosting, Cloud VPS Hosting
Server LocationsUnited States, Canada, Europe, Asia, Australia
Payment MethodsCreditCard (VISA, MasterCard, Maestro, Discover), BitCoin, PayPal
Reliability9 / 10
Pricing9 / 10
User Friendly7 / 10
Features7 / 10
Support8 / 10

VPSServer is one of the fastest cloud VPS Hosting Provider, owned by Global Cloud Infrastructure LLC (United States) and Global Cloud Infrastructure Ltd (Gibraltar). Its offers a scalable and managed Cloud Virtual Private Server Hosting. It is available in multiple VPS Server locations worldwide.

VPSServer focused on performance and redundancy. The VPS Servers are amazingly fast with native NVMe SSD for high performance, it is about 5 times faster than regular SSD. Fast reliable 40Gbit network with high-end Intel processors. Pure high availability cloud servers.

Cloud VPS Hosting

The Cloud VPS Hosting is a type of Self Managed Virtual Private Server Hosting. Managed VPS is also available with additional cost. Perfect for high performance workloads, such as server application server, virtualization, Desktop virtualization, high performance databases and cloud computing.

With Full root access, you can choose Windows or Linux operating system for your VPS Servers and use our High-performance Cloud. The control panel is built to simplify administrative tasks and providing many features actions such as starting, rebooting, and shutting down a VPS.

VPS Hosting include SSD VPS, Live Backups, Flexible Billing, 24/7 online, Easy and fast firewall setup, high security and protection to give you the best available virtual server on the market.

Standard VPS

The Standard packages are perfect for the average VPS. They have plenty of power and are well balanced. When you are looking for more CPU power or more Memory you can look at our CPU Optimized and Memory Optimized plans.

Standard VPS
125 GB1 TB1 CPU Core1 GB
250 GB2 TB2 CPU Cores2 GB
375 GB3 TB2 CPU Cores3 GB
4100 GB4 TB3 CPU Cores4 GB
5150 GB5 TB4 CPU Cores6 GB
6200 GB6 TB6 CPU Cores8 GB

CPU Optimized VPS

The CPU Optimized packages are perfect for servers that need that little extra CPU power. These plans provide more CPU capacity and more stability when using more CPU power.

CPU Optimized VPS
125 GB1 TB1 CPU Core1 GB
250 GB2 TB2 CPU Cores2 GB
375 GB3 TB2 CPU Cores3 GB
4100 GB4 TB3 CPU Cores4 GB
5150 GB5 TB4 CPU Cores6 GB
6200 GB6 TB6 CPU Cores8 GB

Memory Optimized VPS

The Memory Optimized are perfect for applications that use more memory. These packages provide a healthy dose of memory, which you can utilize without paying for resoures you don’t need.

Memory Optimized VPS
125 GB1 TB1 CPU Core2 GB
250 GB2 TB2 CPU Cores4 GB
375 GB3 TB2 CPU Cores6 GB
4100 GB4 TB3 CPU Cores8 GB
5150 GB5 TB4 CPU Cores12 GB
6200 GB6 TB6 CPU Cores16 GB

VPSServer created the next level performance Windows and Linux VPS Hosting. It is a Cloud computing for developers, innovative startups, businesses and many more. They have the speed, reliability, and the flexibility. Scale as your computing needs and business grows.

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