ServicesCloud Virtual Server Hosting, Cloud Computing, VPS Hosting, Linux Server, Dedicated Server, Managed Databases, Storage Hosting
Server LocationsUnited States, Canada, Europe, Asia
Payment MethodsVisa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, PayPal. On request: Wire transfer, Purchase Orders, and ACH
Reliability9 / 10
Pricing9 / 10
User Friendly8 / 10
Features7 / 10
Support8 / 10

DigitalOcean is an American cloud virtual server hosting infrastructure provider headquartered in New York City with multiple data centers around the world. Its provides world class cloud compute that designed for developers. Its offers virtual servers or VPS or “droplets”, use KVM as hypervisor and can be created in various sizes in different data center regions and with various options.

DigitalOcean simplify cloud computing for developers and their teams. Its provides developers cloud virtualization services that help to deploy and scale applications that run simultaneously on multiple computers. The pricing model is very supportive, reduced a lot of overhead and operating costs for businesses.

Virtual Server

DigitalOcean provides VPS Hosting or Virtual Server called Droplets available in multiple configurations of CPU, memory and SSD. Droplets are available in Standard, General Purpose (Dedicated), or CPU-Optimized configurations, provide flexibility to build, test, and grow your app from startup to scale.

DigitalOcean’s Virtual Server or Basic Droplets is a type of self managed virtual private server hosting with shared CPU configurations designed for running workloads that can handle variable levels of CPU performance. It is Balanced virtual machines with a healthy amount of memory tuned to host and scale applications like blogs, web apps, testing and staging environments, in-memory caching, and databases.

Basic Droplets is designed for Applications such as low traffic web servers, blogs, small databases, test servers, micro services, repository hosting, etc.

Virtual Server, Basic Droplets
125 GB SSD1 TB1 vCPU1 GB
250 GB SSD2 TB1 vCPU2 GB
360 GB SSD3 TB2 vCPUs2 GB
480 GB SSD4 TB2 vCPUs4 GB
5160 GB SSD5 TB4 vCPUs8 GB
6320 GB SSD6 TB8 vCPUs16 GB

Virtual Dedicated Servers (General Purpose Droplets)

The Virtual Dedicated Servers or General Purpose Droplets is a type of self managed virtual servers with a healthy balance of memory and dedicated compute hyper-threads from best in class processors. It is designed for a wide range of production workloads, like web application hosting, e-commerce sites, medium-sized databases, and enterprise applications.

Virtual Dedicated Servers, General Purpose Droplets
125 GB SSD4 TB2 vCPUs8 GB
250 GB SSD5 TB4 vCPUs16 GB
3100 GB SSD6 TB8 vCPUs32 GB
4200 GB SSD7 TB16 vCPUs64 GB
5400 GB SSD8 TB32 vCPUs128 GB
6500 GB SSD9 TB40 vCPUs160 GB

Virtual Dedicated Servers (CPU-Optimized Droplets)

The Virtual Dedicated Servers or CPU-Optimized Droplets is a type of self managed virtual servers with Compute optimized virtual machines with dedicated hyper-threads from best in class Intel CPUs for workloads that rely on CPU more than RAM.

DigitalOcean’s Droplets (CPU-Optimized) is designed for CPU-intensive applications like CI/CD, video encoding, machine learning, ad serving, batch processing, and active front-end web servers.

Dedicated Servers, CPU-Optimized Droplets
125 GB SSD4 TB2 vCPUs4 GB
250 GB SSD4 TB2 vCPUs4 GB
350 GB SSD5 TB4 vCPUs8 GB
4100 GB SSD5 TB4 vCPUs8 GB
5100 GB SSD6 TB8 vCPUs16 GB
6200 GB SSD6 TB8 vCPUs16 GB
7200 GB SSD7 TB16 vCPUs32 GB
*And Much More…
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