Liquid Web
ServicesDedicated Hosting, VPS Hosting, Managed WordPress Hosting, Cloud Dedicated, Private Cloud, Managed WooCommerce, Custom Hosting Solution
Server LocationsUnited States, Europe
Top Hosted ApplicationsWordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Concrete5, Magento
Top Hosted Operating SystemsWindows Server, UNIX, CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian
Top Hosted ServersApache, IIS, Nginx, LiteSpeed, Apache Tomcat
Payment MethodsCredit Card (VISA, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover), Debit cards with Visa or MasterCard logo, PayPal, Check & Wire Transfers
Reliability9 / 10
Pricing8 / 10
User Friendly8 / 10
Features8 / 10
Support9 / 10
WebsiteLiquid Web

Liquid Web is a hosting company totally devoted to web and cloud hosting professionals. Growing businesses and the Designers, Developers and Agencies who create for them. Their focus translates to products, services and support designed specifically for mission-critical sites, stores and applications.

Liquid Web is one of the higher end web hosting services with a reputation for flexibility and variety. Its offers Dedicated Hosting, VPS, Managed WordPress, Cloud Dedicated, Private Cloud, Managed WooCommerce, and Custom Hosting Solution.

VPS Hosting

The VPS Hosting is a type of Fully Managed Cloud Virtual Private Server Hosting Built For Reliability and Performance. It is an emulation of a computer that lives within a parent server and shares resources with other virtual servers. This parent server splits up portions of itself for other virtual servers through software called a hypervisor.

The Managed VPS hosting line is the ideal solution for customers who require the control of a dedicated server matched with the affordable features of a VPS. You’ll have control to resize your server to accommodate for sudden spikes in traffic or scale down for post-seasonal businesses. By resizing you’ll be able to upgrade or downgrade your VPS instance allowing you to pay for only what you use.

VPS Hosting
140 GB SSD10 TB2 vCPU Cores2 GB
2100 GB SSD4 vCPU Cores4 GB
3150 GB SSD8 vCPU Cores8 GB
4200 GB SSD8 vCPU Cores16 GB
And More…

Managed WordPress Hosting

The WordPress Hosting is a type of managed and optimized Platform for WordPress. It is built from the ground up with hundreds of modifications and special rules to ensure you have the fastest, most stable, and most flexible delivery service for your content.

Liquid Web’s Managed WordPress Hosting features are include No Pageview or Traffic Limits, Full Server Access, Upgrade, Automatic Daily Backups, Staging Site, Automatic SSL, Developer Tools, Fully Managed WordPress, and 24 Hours Support.

Managed WordPress Hosting
Plan NameStorageBandwidthWebsiteOther
Spark15 GB SSD2 TB1 WebsiteBeaver Builder Lite, 30-Days Backups, iThemes Security Pro and iThemes Sync
Maker40 GB SSD3 TB5 Websites
Designer60 GB SSD4 TB10 Websites
Builder100 GB SSD5 TB25 Websites
And More…

Dedicated Servers

The Dedicated Server is a type of Managed Dedicated Server Hosting Solutions. It is a physical server that allows you to have exclusive access to its resources. Choosing this provides you with the highest level of performance, allowing for peak performance for your web applications. As a single tenant, you can expect to enjoy full control in optimizing, curating an environment tailored your business.

Recognized for the excellent uptime and ability to handle large loads of traffic, you’ll also no longer have to contend with noisy neighbors. Noisy neighbors can bog down the server, but with a Dedicated Server, your web application can perform at optimal speeds. Thus, favored by mission-critical businesses, E-Commerce sites and web pages with significant traffic.

Dedicated Servers
Intel Xeon2x 240 GB SSD5 TB4 CPU Cores32 GB
Intel Xeon Gold2x 480 GB SSD8 TB16 CPU Cores64 GB
Intel Xeon Gold Dual2x 480 GB SSD8 TB32 CPU Cores64 GB
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